Sunday, June 20, 2010

Flip Flops vs Tennis Shoes

Sean: Dani and I had a disagreement during a discussion about proper footwear. I asserted that not only are tennis shoes safer, but they are faster. She respectfully disagreed, so I proposed a scientific experiment to settle the matter.

Dani: I believe that flip flops are better because they are more comfortable, and I'm fine walking, running, or jogging in them. Flip-flops rule, tennis shoes drool!

Competing Hypothesis:

Sean: Tennis shoes should be faster because they are more securely bound to the foot. This should allow for more efficient conveyance.

Dani: Flip flops should be faster because they are more comfortable. This should allow for more efficient conveyance.


  1. Stopwatch
  2. Tennis Shoes
  3. Socks
  4. Flip-flops
  5. Dani

Testing Method:

Dani will don a pair of flip-flops and perform 3 tests over varying terrain. Each terrain will have 3 tests, measuring time over distance using a stopwatch. The three times will be averaged. After testing flip-flops, she will take a short break and don tennis shoes, then repeat the tests.

The terrains used will be stairs, rocky terrain, and smooth terrain.


Over stairs, tennis shoes were faster. A single flight of wooden stairs was used, and Dani started and finished at the top of the flight. The averaged times were as follows:

  • Tennis Shoes: 12.2 seconds
  • Flip-flops: 12.5 seconds

Over rocky terrain, tennis shoes were faster. A demarked section of large round gravel was used. Dani started and finished in the same spot. The average times were as follows:

  • Tennis Shoes: 15.2 seconds
  • Flip-flops: 15.8 seconds

Over smooth terrain, tennis shoes were faster. A demarked section of smooth pavement was used. Dani started and finished in the same spot. The average times were as follows:

  • Tennis Shoes: 12.4 seconds
  • Flip-flops: 12.8 seconds

Overall average

  • Tennis Shoes 13.3 seconds
  • Flip-flops 13.8 seconds


A test over grassy terrain was considered, but the grass available for testing was too tall to comfortably and safely walk in flip-flops. It is therefore assumed that tennis shoes are more appropriate and faster for grassy terrain.

We also considered more accurate means of testing. Longer distances, and more trials could lead to more accurate results. Though we are confident that these times over short distances reflect reasonable results.


Tennis shoes are a faster means of conveyance as compared to flip-flops.

Sean: I was right! I knew it! In your face!

Dani: You suck at life Sean! I still like flip-flops better. My poor feet. :'(

Pics coming soon

Car Wash

Sean and Nicole's car was really dirty, and I got to help wash it. It was the first time my car washing was timed!

The brush was pretty heavy, and I couldn't wash the top part of the car because I couldn't reach it.

I got slightly wet when Sean was washing the car, and he chased me when he switched it to "Bug Remover"! Curse you bug remover! XP


We had a campfire, it was my first. We made strawberry s'mores, and they were delicious! I never had them before, and I hope I can have them again.

I got to sit by 'Cole, but smoke kept getting in my eyes. It was really fun, and I had a great time.

Snow Canyon

We took a trip to Snow Canyon, just outside of St. George. It looks really neat. The rocks are white and red, but mostly white. That is why it's called Snow Canyon.

It was a pretty short trip through the park, but we had a great time.

There was also lots of igneous rock in the park. A lava flow goes right through the middle of it. The rock formations are really neat to look at.

The patterns in the sedimentary layers are really cool. It looks wrinkly, like elephant skin. The patterns were formed by petrified sand dunes. You can see the patterns everywhere in the area in the red and white rocks.

There was also a place where the pioneers who found the park carved their names and dates in the late 1800's. They had sloppy handwriting. ;)

Zion National Park

We took a trip to Zion National Park. It was so awesome!

We couldn't drive into the park, so we had to take a shuttle. They use the shuttle to reduce traffic in the park. The shuttle driver gives you information about the park as you ride. He also tells you what is at the stops, and what they are called.

Our first stop had a gift shop and museum. I bought a cool water bottle, but it broke during one of our stops. :(

Stop #2 had a river running through the canyon with a man-made waterfall. That's where I'm sitting in this picture.

Zion National Park is a big canyon. There are sandstone cliffs that rise up as high as 3000 feet! The whole canyon is made of sedimentary rock. The rock is mostly white and red.

On one of the stops we took a hike to Lower Emerald Pool. There were two more emerald pools, Middle Emerald Pool, and Upper Emerald pool. We didn't hike to the higher pools because it was too far for everyone to make it. We hiked over a mile round-trip.

At the Lower Emerald Pool there was a waterfall. The water falling down moved around so that if you stood still long enough, it would fall right on top of you! I got pretty wet, but it felt so good because it was pretty hot outside. ;D

Horse Ride

I got to ride Gail's horse, Spirit, bareback! It was so fun.

I let Spirit sniff me before I got on him. I let him sniff me so that he could get to know me, and to see if he liked me. That was important because he could have gotten scared of me and thrown me off. Thank you God for not letting that happen!

First, I learned how to hold on normal bare back. You have to first get on the horse of course, then you grab a part of the mane, but not too tight or too loose.

Afterward, Gail taught me to use the lead. A lead is like a leash for a horse. You hold on to it and turn it the direction you want to turn, and if you want to stop, pull back on it.

Thunder, Tony's horse, followed Spirit, Gail, and me. No matter where we went she always came with. It was cute, and slightly funny.

Off of the ride subject, Thunder made Tony scratch her but.Ha ha. :D

Miniature Pony

We went to Jamie's house to see her horses. It was so cool. Jamie's mini ponies are so cute. They are fun sized ponies, and ponies are fun sized horses already so that is fun, fun sized! That was the best time ever.

Her baby horse, Hannah May, is the sweetest and cutest thing in the world! Jamie and her family train them to help people with special needs, like a service dog only they aren't dogs, they are horses. They don't keep them or sell them, they donate the horses to the people with special needs.

Now more about Hannah May. She laid right next to me and put her head on my lap. If you pick her up she will squirm then fall asleep. We think she weighs about 45 pounds. Plus she licks you like a dog. Her mom, Dreamer, was sweet too.

That was an excellent visit for sure. It would have been better if the boys came though. :'(

P.S. Please comment on my posts, that way I know you're reading, and it encourages me to post more.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Updates Coming Soon!

Sorry I haven't updated my blog this week. My parents came to visit with us this week. We got lots of pictures, so look for lots of updates this week...starting tomorrow. Be prepared for the flip-flop vs tennis shoe showdown tomorrow! We're going to find out which is faster across different terrain, so stay tuned.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sneaking Ketchup

So filling ketchup bottles is the most fun thing in the world, she says sarcastically. It is work and that work I will no longer accept. It's not what I thought it was when Cole said, "Want to fill ketchup?" It was not putting ketchup in small plastic containers, it was actually filling ketchup bottles with more ketchup! >:(

I made a huge mess of it. I had to wipe off ketchup bottles over and over and over again, it never was the time for us...

...sorry thinking of an awesome song.

On the bright side Sean came back yesterday. :')

Now about the drinking ketchup, that one had apple juice, I swear! Not really it had ketchup in it, but I wasn't really drinking it. That is just a goofy pose, ha ha.

P.S. Sorry about not posting for two days. :(

Friday, June 11, 2010

Gail and Tony's Log Cabin House

I visited my first log cabin today.It was really cool, fun, and slightly tiring. I played with a blue healer, boarder coley, mix, named, Blue. Also I Pet and fed the horses, named, Thunder and Spirit. The animals are amazing here!
 The inside of the log cabin is awesome too. So beautiful is how I'd describe that log cabin, plus I had a great time. Nicole's dad made a wonderful dinner. ;D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Eating While Doing.

Strawberries, yummy yummy. Oops, I didn't know it wasn't supposed to be eaten. Hey, just kidding that is me pretending to eat strawberries for the strawberry shortcake. Nicole and I got the strawberries ready today. It will be done tomorrow after we make biscuits.

Also, tomorrow Sean will leave Utah. :'( He comes back Sunday though. :D

Stay tuned because I will keep posting, plus Monday read about my flip-flop vs. tennis shoe experiment!

Gone Fishin'

I went on a fishin' mission. But my mission was a failure because... all that was caught was 4 trees, and a lot of algae. I got the hang of casting! Never use Power Bait. Algae is gross so do not use a Panther Martin lure unless you are willing to take algae off and constantly reel it in.

Published with Blogger-droid

Dani learns about Sean's new rifle

I learned about guns, and looked through the scope on it, trying to see cows better. But the gun had a lock so no cows or humans were harmed in the making of this blog. ;)

Published with Blogger-droid

My Blog

This is my summer blog, where I'll share all of the things I do and learn on my summer vacation in Utah. Read along as I explore and learn exciting new things. Have fun with me and don't miss my awesome Summer blog postings.