Sunday, June 20, 2010

Snow Canyon

We took a trip to Snow Canyon, just outside of St. George. It looks really neat. The rocks are white and red, but mostly white. That is why it's called Snow Canyon.

It was a pretty short trip through the park, but we had a great time.

There was also lots of igneous rock in the park. A lava flow goes right through the middle of it. The rock formations are really neat to look at.

The patterns in the sedimentary layers are really cool. It looks wrinkly, like elephant skin. The patterns were formed by petrified sand dunes. You can see the patterns everywhere in the area in the red and white rocks.

There was also a place where the pioneers who found the park carved their names and dates in the late 1800's. They had sloppy handwriting. ;)

1 comment:

  1. they DO have sloppy handwriting!!!School must not have had language arts!!!!LOL!!
